Vybrané aspekty lingvistické teorie a metodologie ve výzkumu v didaktice cizích jazyků

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Title in English Selected aspects of linguistic theory and methodology in foreign language didactics research

TŮMA František

Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of this chapter is to contribute to the systematizing of conceptual and methodological bases of foreign language didactics (FLD), which can build not only on educational, but also on linguistic theory and methodology. Having outlined different views on the FLD-education and FLD-linguistics relationships, the chapter focuses on linguistic theory and methodology relevant to FLD research. The chapter introduces four types of discourse-analytic studies while making connections between theoretical positions related to discourse and methodological positions defining the analyses. Special attention is paid to learner language research. Finally, the relationships between the four types of discourse-analytic studies and selected research problems in FLD are outlined.
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