European Psychology Learning and Teaching Network



Year of publication 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The presentation of the history and current activities of the project Europlat in Europe and in the Czech Republic . Europlat is the European academic network supporting learning and teaching psychology, which was founded in October 2009. Formally, it was a three-year grant project funded by the European Commission in support of Lifelong Learning Programme. The main objective of network activiteis was to (a) support the quality of teaching and training students in psychology and (b) support the development of teaching and learning in psychology and organize three research investigations related to teaching and employability of graduates psychological study programmes. The project based academic network now comprises over 30 partners from 30 countries. Educational materials and experiences are continuously shared via social networking, newsletter or symposia on ECP and other conferences. After completion of the project works core network activities under the supervision of the UK Higher Education Academy.

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