Nástin kritického konceptu třídy


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English An Outline of the Critical Concept of Class

NOVÝ Martin

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociológia / Slovak Sociological Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web http://www.sav.sk/journals/uploads/10301115Novy%20-%20OK.pdf
Field Sociology, demography
Keywords class class struggle critical theory Marx The Frankfurt School Bonefeld
Attached files
Description An Outline of the Critical Concept of Class. This essay reconst ructs the critical notion of class. Firstly, it turns its attention to the methodological distinctiveness of critical theory and clarifies the key importance of Marx's critique of fetishized capitalist social forms in his sociological method. Secondly, it criticizes the sociological reconstructions of Marx's work that are unable to integrate his concept of class with his treatment of capitalist social objectivity. Thirdly, it shifts its focus to a contemporary interpretation of the critical concept of class in Bonefeld's work. Bonefeld derives the process of social constitution from Marx's theorization of primitive accumulation, which has left its imprint on capitalist conceptuality as such. On this basis, Bonefeld introduces a distinction between the affirm ative and the critical concept of class. Finally, this essay, once again, stresses the interconnectedness and inseparability of the concepts of class and class struggle in critical theory and ponders their usage in the sociology of culture.
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