Vývojové tendence v deklinaci cizích maskulinních oikonym v psané češtině

Title in English Development Tendencies in Declension of Foreign Masculine Oikonyms in Written Czech

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Radost z jazyků. Sborník příspěvků k 75. narozeninám prof. Františka Čermáka
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech language; foreign oikonyms; declension; communicational variants; SYN2010 corpus
Description The study deals with development tendencies in declension of foreign masculine oikonyms in the contemporary written Czech. Our attention is paid to an issue of forms of singular genitive and singular locative of masculine oikonyms that are ranked among words declined as paradigm “hrad”. The majority of data were taken from corpus SYN2010, and then they were compared with information in particular Czech grammar books, language reference books and specialized studies and articles. This issue is a part of a wider research into communicative variants of proper names. An interest of the issue is typical not only for Czech onomastics but also for the European one.

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