Strategie učení: Ukázka designu výzkumu, technik sběru a analýzy dat

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Title in English Learner Strategies: Example of a Research Design, Data Collection and Data Analysis Techniques

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina PEŠKOVÁ Karolína

Year of publication 2014
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The lecture for doctoral students of Education at Faculty of Education of Masaryk University focused on the topic of learner strategies, their conceptualization, current state of the art, problems in the theory of learner strategies and possibilities of their study. The main part of the lecture consisted of an example of a research project of Czech Science Foundation GAP407/12/0432 Foreign Language Learning Strategies and Achievement: Analysis of Strategy Clusters and Sequences. We presented the research design, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques in software MAXQDA and Statistica and main findings and discussed the methodological limits of the research and its importance.
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