Zum Einsatz didaktischer Medien und Mittel: Ergebnisse einer videobasierten Studie

Title in English The use of didactic means and media: Results of a videostudy

JANÍK Tomáš NAJVAROVÁ Veronika JANÍK Miroslav

Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In the paper we present the results of IRSE Videostudy of Geography, English and Physics lessons, with special focus on the use of didactic means and media. The Videostudy has been realized since 2004 at the Institute for Research in School Education (IRSE) at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. Our videodatabase includes 62 geography lessons, 50 physics lessons, and 79 English as a foreign language lessons from Czech lower secondary schools. All the lessons were transcribed, coded, and analyzed focusing on didactic means and media. The results indicate that a high proportion of the lesson time in the three subjects was conducted without the support of didactic means and media. Traditional means (black/white board, textbooks, worksheets, pictures) dominate among didactic means and media in all the recorded lessons; modern media (movies, ICT, overhead projectors) are rarely used. Moreover the results show that in English lessons textbooks are the most commonly used means. In contrast, the most commonly used didactic means in physics lessons is the black/whiteboard. The results together with methodological aspects of videobased textbook research are then discussed with regard to other studies (TIMSS, DESI).

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