Cross-informant agreement and teacher nomination technique in the assessment of children behavior problems


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Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description The aim of our study was to (1) examine the degree of agreement among children, parents and teachers on the scales and items of the Czech version of the Child Behavior Checklist, and (2) to assess a teacher nomination technique as a short and simple tool for the recognition of children with higher levels of self-reported problems. The first part of the study was conducted on a sample of 300 children (aged 11-16). The overall degree of cross-informant agreement was low, particularly for ratings of boys. The highest correlations were found between the ratings of parents and teachers (median correlation 0.336), followed by the correlations between the ratings of parents and children (median correlation 0.316). The agreement between teachers and children's ratings was generally poor (median correlation 0.115), with the exception of moderate agreement on the Externalizing Behavior scales. The nomination technique was mainly based on the TRF scales and contained nine short descriptions; the sample consisted of 145 children from non-clinical population (aged 11-12). Only a low proportion of children were named by the teachers at each problem child description. Four significant associations were found between the teacher's ratings in the nomination technique and the categorical ratings based on children self-reports (YSR). Results of both parts of the study are consistent with previous findings and emphasize the importance of utilizing multiple sources in the assessment of children behavior problems.
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