Student Motivation in Legal English Classes

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Language Centre. Official publication website can be found on


Year of publication 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description This workshop discusses the major theoretical approaches to motivation in the ESP classroom and demonstrates a number of sample activities that can be successfully used by teachers in legal English classes. The workshop also gives the participants the chance to share their experience and exchange their expertise in this area. Where professionals aiming to improve their English skills rely on intrinsic motivation, students often need the impetus of extrinsic motivation provided by the teacher to help them make headway. Stimulating activities and well developed materials can help to achieve this goal. The tools that help to boost the motivation of law undergraduates include for example the use of ICT in both in the classroom and for home assignments or inclusion of clips from legal dramedies to enforce relevant legal concepts and to practice comprehension skills.
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