Zvol si mou cestu! Edukační aktivity subkultury freeganů ve veřejném prostoru

Title in English Choose My Way! Educational Activities of Freegan Subculture in the Public Space

LOJDOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
Description The monography examines freegan subculture as an educator in public space. Freegans are people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. They are active in public space and represent environmental activism through demonstrations, happenings, using online media etc. The research goal was to analyse eduacational activities by the subculture in the public space. Ethnography appears as the most suitable methodology, as it is defined as a theory of cultural behaviour within a particular society. Data were collected during a period of one year spent in the freegan subculture of Brno, Czech Republic. The research sample was constructed by the snowball technique and consisted of participants defining themselves as freegans exercising freeganist practice and interacting with other freegans. The main methods of data collection were in-depth semi-structured interviews with 15 freegans and participant observation. Research results reveal concept of public pedagogy, which reminds multifarous ways in which the public space can be viewed as a site of educational discourse and defines public pedagogy of freegan subculture. The final part expounds freegan subculutre as an unofficial educational agent, acting outside educational institutions.

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