Vývoj vyučovacího předmětu dějepis v letech 1918–2013

Title in English The Development of the School Subject History from 1918 to 2013

JIREČEK Miroslav

Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This thesis presents an analysis of the development of school subject History in the Czech lands during 1918-2013 with a focus on the status’ development (e.g. time framework), objectives and content of the school subject History. Only schools, which corresponded to the current lower secondary schools, were examined. The research was based on the analysis of main obligatory curricula documents, especially school curricula. Great attention was devoted to the context of subject’ development, in particular, the development of our education system and investigated school type. The findings were discussed with current literature and contemporary journals.
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