Postupy a metody kritického myšlení - prostředek rozvoje čtenářské gramotnosti v hodinách českého jazyka

Title in English Critical Thinking Procedures and Methods - Means of Development of Reading Literacy in Lessons of Czech Language in 2nd Stage of Primary School

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Komenský
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech language; critical thinking; reading literacy; 2nd stage of primary school
Description The contribution deals with practical possibilities of how to develop reading literacy of pupils in the 2nd stage of primary school. In particular, it is intended for teachers of Czech language; however, the mentioned critical thinking methods that are offered by RWCT (Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking) may also be used in other school subjects. In the introduction, readers are acquainted with the term “critical thinking” and the concept of reading literacy with its components and necessary conditions. The core of the text consists of illustrations of how particular critical thinking methods can be used in Czech language lessons.

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