Obec - orgán ochrany přírody a krajiny v rámci ochrany dřevin a povolování jejich kácení.


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Law. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2015: sborník z konference.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web http://www.law.muni.cz/sborniky/cofola2015/cofola2015.pdf
Field Law sciences
Keywords The municipality; municipal administration; environmental activity of municipalities; the protection of the environment; decision-maker
Description The municipality plays a fundamental role in the protection of the environment. The position of the municipality is given with respect to local and factual correlation to environmental problems, among others the very fact that municipalities are the basic decision-makers of specific issues relating to the environment. The author reflects on the role of municipality as a decision making subject specifically in the context of the issue of tree protection and permitting their felling. This whole area is analyzed through selected legal issues, among others with the aim to evaluate the level of legal protection of examined issues from the perspective of the basic criteria - erudite environmental protection.
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