Klima školy: Možnosti diagnostiky a cílené intervence

Title in English School climate: Assesment and Intervention


Year of publication 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This paper summarizes the experience with the creation and standardization surveys of school climate, and their use at school level. It also deals with the alternative sources of data in the form of the use of other sources of information in schools and other ways of getting information about school climate and climate classes. Self-evaluation of school climate in the paper presented as a process of dialogue within the school and mapping potential problem areas, continuing through proper diagnosis of school climate or its affiliates and ways to work with the results. As an example of good practice are presented questionnaires and other tools available online to http://evaluacninastroje.rvp.cz/ developed in the project CZ.1.07 / 4.1.00 / 06.0014 "Path to quality".

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