Deutsche Mundarten und Mundarträume in Mähren - eine historische Reminiszenz

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Title in English German dialects and dialectal areas in Moravia -a historical reminiscence


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Deutsch ohne Grenzen Linguistik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords German dialects; Moravia; dialectal areas; phonic combinations;
Description The contribution deals with the extent of concordances and differences between German dialects in Moravia. The basis for the comparison are four middle-upper-German vocals, whose dialectal realisations were observed on six words in 157 areas. Altogether, 44 types of phonic combinations were discovered. These can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of phonic lines which do not cross the boundaries of a given dialectal area (northern Moravia, Schönhengst, Iglauer Sprachinsel, Sprachinsel Wachtl/Deutsch Brodek, and also the Olmützer Sprachinsel, Wischauer Sprachinsel and Brünner Sprachinsel). In the second group, which is minor, the phonic combinations appear in more dialectal areas concurrently. From the geographical distribution of individual phonic combinations it arises that the language island Wachtl/Deutsch Brodek does not have its own specifics, it is overlapped with phonic lines from Schönhengst and northern Moravia. Iglauer Sprachinsel is quite exceptional as phonic lines in that area do not occur elsewhere. A certain language relation can be observed between dialects in Wischauer Sprachinsel and Brünner Sprachinsel.The exception is the village Dvorska (Maxdorf) in the Brünner Sprachinsel, which ist closer to dialects in Schönhengst.
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