Není nekázeň jako nekázeň: Rezistentní chování žáků jako projev moci ve školní třídě

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Title in English Pupil’s Resistance Behaviour as a Power Manifestation within Classroom

LOJDOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Orbis Scholae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords discipline; indiscipline; power; resistance; student teachers
Description The paper gives a brief overview of the international research on pupil’s resistance within classroom. The aim of this qualitative study is to analyze resistant behaviour in the Czech lower secondary classrooms, where student teachers realize their long term practice. Student teachers recorded in their diaries variety of resistant behaviour connected to school norms and teachers and themselves. The sample consisted of 58 student teachers diaries. The paper analyze pupils resistance within classroom in the power relationship context. It brings typology of resistance from passive to aggressive resistance, which takes place in both didactic and regulative power discourse.
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