Nástroje pro hodnocení sluchové percepce a úrovně komunikačních dovedností uživatelů kochleárních implantátů raného a předškolního věku
Title in English | The auditory perception assessment tools of cochlear implant users in early and preschool age |
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Year of publication | 2014 |
Citation | |
Description | Presented article deals with the topic of the hearing perception evaluation and the level of communiation skills in the children with the hearing impairment, especially the cochlear implant users. It hightlights the importance of the early identification of the hearing loss, adequate compensation aid and team cooperation while dealing with the child with the hearing loss. The author presents updated review of the foreign test bateries and local materials used for the cochlear implant contribution evaluation and/or hearing aids. The conclusion brings update information about ongoing evaluation process of the Cezch version of the IT-MAIS. |