Význam a použití hudebního žánru a příbuzných pojmů na pozadí hudební praxe a výzkumů hudebních preferencí

Title in English The Significance and the Use of Music Genre and Similar Terms against the Background of Music Practice and Researches of Music Preferences

MUSIL Ondřej

Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In the introduction, this paper explored the use of the term „genre“ within the frame of the project Music Attitudes of University Students to the Contemporary Art Music (MUNI/A/1309/2014), processed by the Department of music at the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University, and the problems of its interpretation in researches on the music preferences. On basis of a specialised literature analysis, a comparison between different definitions of this term and semantically related terms was carried out. The historical, social and purely musical context was taken into account. The aim of the paper was to submit topics for discussion about the issues of different interpretation of the discussed terms and potential problems in their use in the context of research and music practice.
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