Le toponyme Pologne dans les documents administratifs francais de la 1ere moitié du XIVe siecle

Title in English The Toponym Polonia in French Administrative Documents in the 1st Half of the XIVth Century


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source XLinguae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Web http://www.xlinguae.eu/files/xlinguae2_2015_3.pdf
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.18355/XL.2015.08.02.28-35
Field Linguistics
Keywords toponym Poland ; contracts of John of Luxembourg; French in the 1st half of the XIVth century
Description In the paper we study the toponym Poland, which appears as the royal title of king of Poland of John of Luxembourg, King of Bohemia and Count of Luxembourg, which arose in contracts during his reign from 1310 to 1346. Most contracts are written in French, some in Latin and German. The toponym Poland is transcribed in many ways (22 in French), although some contracts were written in the same place and on the same day. Its orthography wasn’t unified during the use. It follows that the contracts were written by different scribes. The contracts are a valuable document for understanding of the development of the French language in the 1st half of the XIVth century.

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