Možná úskalí a přínosy projektového vyučování ve výuce přírodopisu a biologie

Title in English Possible barriers and benefits of project-based learning in biology lessons


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Projektové vyučování v přírodovědných předmětech
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords biology; project-based learning; students; pupils
Attached files
Description Project-based education (PBE) is a method supporting divergent thinking, developing pupils thinking, creating solutions, presentation of finding information, evaluating own findings). Project-based education still belongs among relatively rare methods in biology lessons. Comenius emphasized school by play, principles of illustration, activity etc. Projectbased learning is based on these principles and this leads to improving of learning process and higher motivation of pupils. The aim of the contribution is concern on presentation of project based learning focused on “Cell”.
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