Krize a krizová intervence u dětí s poruchami chování

Title in English Crisis and Crisis Intervention in Children with Behavioral Disorders


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Perspektivy speciální pedagogiky–potřeby, možnosti a výzvy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords behavioral disorder; crisis; copping strategies; crisis intervention
Description In the analysis of children biographies we often identify critical situations that influence further development of the child. This crisis situation and applied coping strategies and resources can have significant impact on shaping behavior. The presentation focuses on the outcomes of qualitative research aimed at detecting the possibilities of crisis intervention in children with behavioral disorders and assessing the availability of crisis intervention in the context of the needs of children. In this presentation, we will refer to the potential link between crisis situations in a child´s life and behavioral disorder. We outline the possibilities of crisis intervention in the context of children with behavioral disorder and to the need for timely crisis intervention as an important part of support and guiding the child in crisis and prevent maladaptive patterns in the behavior of the child.

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