Kvantita, chemismus a fázové složení nekarbonátového podílu v cementářských surovinách ve velkolomu Mokrá


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Quantity, chemistry and phase composition of non-carbonate component in cement raw material in the Mokrá Quarry

ŠTELCL Jindřich ZIMÁK Jiří

Year of publication 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The report evaluates the quantitative content of non-carbonate components in lithologically different rock types of Macocha, Líšeň, Březina and Rozstání formations situated in within the Mokrá Quarry. It's main focus is the chemistry of non-carbonate components, measured by the EDX analysis. Vilémovice Limestones of the Macocha formation are relatively pure, with only a minimal proportion of insoluble ingredients (1.0 wt. % in average by massive limestone, 5.5 wt. % in the case of rocks with nodular structure). By comparing contents of the insoluble component in the massive and nodular types of the Křtiny Limestones it is evident that the massive Křtiny Limestones have a higher carbonate content than nodular types. In contrast to that, increased content of non-carbonate component, resulting from the dissolution of carbonate, was measured in graphitised parts of the Křtiny Limestones. In the Hády-Říčka Limestones the rocks with nodular structure contain approximately twice the amount of non-carbonate component than the massive types. Contents of non-carbonate component in slates of the Hády-Říčka Limestones are always more than 50 wt. % (mainly strongly calcareous shales). In the Březina shales occur massive limestones with relatively low amount of non-carbonate component (about 10 wt. % in average, max. about 18.80 wt. %). Siliciclastic rocks have the character of silty or claye shales (82 wt. % of non-carbonate component in average, max. 90 wt. %). SiO2 dominates in the chemical composition of the non-carbonate-component, it is bound not only on quartz, but in a substantial amount on alumosilicates. The value of the ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 in strata of shales in the limestones is not substantially affected by the amount of non-carbonate material, and the quantitative ratio between quartz and phyllosilicates is more or less constant. In massive types of limestones the ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 increases continuously with increasing amounts of non-carbonate components.

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