On spatial stabilization of dielectric barrier discharge microfilaments by residual heat build-up in air

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Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source The European Physical Journal D
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://rdcu.be/mRcV
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjd/e2016-70061-5
Field Plasma physics
Keywords DBD; coplanar DBD; residual heat buid up
Description Microfilaments of dielectric barrier discharge are known for their multiple re-appearance at the same spot on dielectrics. This effect of localized re-appearance is driven by residual excited species and ions, surface charge deposited on the dielectric and the local temperature build-up resulting in the local increase of reduced electric field E/delta N. To assess the magnitude of the latter, the breakdown voltage vs. temperature up to 180 C was carefully measured at coplanar DBD and used as an input into the numerical simulation of heat build-up by the train of discharge pulses. An average reduction of breakdown voltage was found to be 20 V/K. The model predicted a quasi-stable microfilament temperature into which the thermal build-up rapidly converges. Its magnitude agreed well with the reported rotational temperature of similar electrode configuration. The impact of quasi-stable temperature on microfilament formation dynamics is further discussed.
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