Biblická intertextualita v německých románech od roku 1990: Využití, funkce a význam


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Title in English Biblical Intertextuality in German Novels since 1990: Utilization, Function and Meaning


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presentation of the thesis: The main characters of the novels from the corpus of the thesis intertextually refer to the biblical characters, though they are found in new contexts of their own fictional worlds. The aim of the thesis is to answer to a question in what way and why the contemporary German authors make use of biblical references in their novels. What is the function and meaning of the biblical intertextuality in contemporary German novels after 1990? The author of the thesis works on the assumption that the biblical intertextuality in contemporary German novels itself does not automatically lead the reader to reflect on religious issues, yet together with further levels of the novel it serves its own literary goals. At the same time, the author of the thesis asks a question as to whether and how the biblical pattern is estranged in the novels. All these questions are also answered in the relation to older German novels written since the mid-twentieth century which also make use of intertextuality for characterization of their main characters. The thesis describes not only the oldest way of processing the biblical pattern, the so called historicist paraphrase, but also it depicts the newer approaches such as fictional transfiguration and eventually, too, the latest application of the biblical intertextuality in novels containing transfigurative elements. In case of the newer novels written after 1990 the thesis distinguishes between two strategies: the fulfillment and vice versa the disappointment of the reader's expectations concerning the narration which is similar to some of the biblical narration.

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