Hudba pro oči : přirozený svět jako multimodální problém


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Music for Eyes : Lebenswelt as a Multimodal Problem


Year of publication 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Music is one of the most abstract media of artistic expression. Its materials are mere vibrations of various materials represented by a symbolic form of writing or recording and W. Benjamin's "here and now" is an ephemeral space-time of its existence. When music has moved to an environment of digital media it tore last bindings with material media and become an abstract code. The already strong desire of artists for something tangible and physically formable was reinforced by the growing dematerialisation of the music world. In what follows we will attempt to present possible causes and consequences of this frustration. On several historical examples, we will attempt to highlight the different ways of the physical materialization of music since the late 20th century to the presence. We will try to show that music under specific conditions may become a solid figure, architecture or sculpture.
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