Četnost zařazení ukázek z literatury pro děti a mládež do vybraných učebnic češtiny pro 1. stupeň ZŠ

Title in English Frequency ot the inclusion of art literature for children and youth into the selected textbooks of Czech language at primary school


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The contribution is presenting the results of my dissertation. I have found out frequency of the examples of the literature of art for children and teenagers in the contemporary textbooks of the Czech language for the classes 2 – 5 from the selected publishers in the researching part. I am dealing with the frequency of the presenting of the examples and with the percentage of the presentation of the poetry and prose of the internal and external literature. I am interested in some examples of the books by the writers and their biggest frequency as well. I am interested in the books, which the authors of textbooks choose them from. I am comparing the achieved results with the results I have found out in my dissertation in 2013 B. Vaverková.
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