Listening to the Art on a Seabed


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Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper introduces partial results of Vilém Flusser's media philosophy investigation from new media art theory point of view. I propose that Flusser's concept of new media work of art, that is disseminated across his writings in form of snapshots, and that has never been integrated into a coherent definition by the author himself, can be united and build up within a frame of Gaston Bachelard's water element aesthetics. I claim that the water metaphor is able to establish links among such a different terms of Flusser's vocabulary as “the images that sounds” (counted, computed and projected models of collected data), the “chamber music” (a metaphor of the endless collective creativity shared within the digital media pool), and “Vampyroteuthis Infernalis” (fantastic creature living in a hostile environment of ocean abysses). The aim of the presentation is to introduce Flusser as an author of an original and visionary aesthetics and poetics of new media art.
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