Rytmická výchova v pojetí Dorothee Güntherové

Title in English Rhythmic Education in the Concept of Dorothee Günther


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Teoretické reflexe hudební výchovy [on-line]
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Web http://www.ped.muni.cz/wmus/studium/doktor/teoreticke_reflexe_hv_12_2/havelkova.pdf
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords rhythmic education; elemental music and movement education; creativity; integrative approach; holistic approach to education
Description Paper analyses a theme of rhythmic education from a perspective of a German dancer and teacher Dorothee Günther, whose ideas originally influenced a foundation of music- pedagogical idea Orff-Schulwerk, thereby having a significant impact on a current German, respectively European image of music movement pedagogy. The paper synthesises thoughts and ideas, which Günther published in the German article The Rhythmic Person and Their Education in 1932 and simultaneously compare them with actual needs and present character of elementary music and movement education in Czech.

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