Kategorizace jako myšlenková operace u dětí na počátku školní docházky v kontextu různých socio-kulturních prostředí

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Title in English Categorisation as an Intellectual Operation in Children at the Beginning of their School Years in the Context of Diff erent Social-Cultural Environments


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords cognitive processes; intelligence; thinking; categorisation; socio-cultural environment
Description Studies in the fi eld of intercultural psychology focussing on the question of how social and cultural environments aff ect cognitive processes usually compare very diff erent cultures in geographical localities distant from each other. Th ey fi nd that members of Western culture usually prioritise an analytical mode of thinking and are more context-independent, while members of Eastern culture tend to prefer holistic modes of thing and for them the relationships between objects and their context are more important. Th e aim of this study is to test whether similar diff erences can also be found between children from diff erent cultural environments within the Czech Republic. Specifi cally, the analysis is directed towards the categorisation abilities of children at the beginning of primary school and involves a comparison between Roma children from a socially under-privileged environment and children from ordinary backgrounds. Th e fi rst part of the study sets out the theoretical starting-points, the second part presents the research Denglerová, D. 311 instrument used, and the third part presents the data obtained by testing almost three hundred children. Th e results are not clearcut. Th ey do not confi rm a preference for contextually conditioned categorisation or preference for colour conditioned categorisations among Roma children from socially under-privileged environments.
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