Školní preventivní program: dobrý sluha, nebo zlý pán? 2. část: Žáci jako důležitá součást při realizaci preventivních aktivit ve škole

Title in English School preventive programme: good servant, or bad lord? Part 2: Pupils as a important part of implementing prevention activities at school


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Školní poradenství v praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords school prevention programme; pupils; prevention; school
Description Prevention measures are integral part of educational process. Is very important take into account many factors during make decision, which themes will be include to school. These factors should help to effective primary prevention. If school make a school preventive programme should include specialist sources, enviroment of school, but also pupils. Within our survey, we focued on interest of pupils about prevention programmes across all grades of primary and secondary school.

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