Statický a dynamický motiv domova v současných bulharských pohádkách se zvířecím hrdinou


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Title in English Static and dynamic motif of home in contemporary Bulgarian fairy-tales with animal hero


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This article analyses the static and dynamic motif of home in several selected contemporary Bulgarian fairy-tales with animal heroes. In the hierarchy of motifs, a "sub-motif" becomes homesickness and a happy return from a foreign place, or a dissatisfaction with the current home, a long-distance journey, whose ultimate aim is to evaluate home or to save friends, hesitation between the natural space connected with freedom and the city, in which a materialistic approach to life is preferred (eg. easy access to food, human care). We will not focus only on the role of intermotifs and intertextual motifs, on the static and dynamic motifs of home, that determine the course of fairy-tale, but also on the function of a character, which influences the concept of home.
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