Kvalita výuky přírodopisu z pohledu žáků základních škol

Title in English Quality of natural science education from the point of view of elementary school pupils


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference INOVATÍVNE TRENDY V ODBOROVÝCH DIDAKTIKÁCH V KONTEXTE POŽIADAVIEK PRAXE, v dňoch 13.-14. 11. 2017 na Univerzite Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Výstup z konferencie - Recenzovaný vedecký zborník
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://www.pf.ukf.sk/images/docs/projekty/2017/pC-Cp/Inovativne_trendy_e_2018.pdf
Keywords questionnaire; quality of teaching; nature; primary school; pupils
Description The present study deals with opinions or views of pupils of the 2nd grade of primary schools on the quality of natural science education. As a research tool, a questionnaire with open and closed questions was administered, which was administered to 9th grade students (n = 171) on an available set of elementary schools. Detected views serve to identify the components and characteristics that underpin and affect the quality of science education in elementary schools and as a starting point for creating their own observation and assessment tool. Questionnaire data will be presented, in which respondents generated their own insights into the quality of natural science teaching. In the end, further research is proposed in this area.

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