Aspekty času v Gréckych magických papyrusoch


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Title in English The aspects of time in Greek magical papyri


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper presents the results of the quantitative research of Greek magical papyri and the analysis of its results. The aim was to find out how the time was portrayed in the rituals of Greek magical papyri. The paper is divided into two parts - the first part deals with the time needed to perform the ritual and the duration of its specific components. The second part is focused on the most suitable time to perform the ritual (i.e., the time of the day, night, month, etc.). In the end, the paper asks few questions arising from the research (for example Why were these complicated and time-consuming rituals even performed?) and subsequently offers a couple of possible explanations, using the science of religion´s and behavioral studies´ recent knowledge of ritual practices.
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