Verkleinerungsformen in den deutschen Dialekten Mährens und Schlesiens - eine historische Reminiszenz

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Title in English Diminutives in German Dialects in Moravia and Silesia - Historical Reminiscence


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sprachen verbinden Beiträge der 24. Linguistik- und Literaturtage, Brno/Tschechien, 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords German dialects in Moravia and Silesia; diminutives; diminutive suffixes; territorial division;
Description On the basis of a thorough description, we can observe the following basis tendencies. In northern Moravia and Silesia and in Hřebečsko (Schönhengst), the diminutive suffixes -la and -le prevail. The suffixes -l and -dl prevail in the language islands in Brno, Vyškov and Jihlava regions. The sufix -chen ist typical of big cities and areas with equalizing tendencies. Upper-Bavarian vocalisation of the sufix -al is documented only in one case in Jihlava region.
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