Dědičnost závislostního chování a možnosti jeho včasného odhalování

Title in English Inheritance of addictive behavior and the possibilities of its early detection


Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Psychological dependence is closely related to biochemical changes in the human brain, especially its dopamine domains are well explored. The composition of dopamine receptors and their concentration in the cell membrane are hereditary, determining the type of response of a person to various stimuli including potentially hazardous activities of the type of substance and virtual drugs. The allele for dopamine receptors exists in several species, the two populations being the most represented, coding for normal or reduced activity of the dopamine system. Domestically homozygous individuals feel strong satisfaction after consuming food, drinking, sexual activity, sports or mental performance. Potentially risky behavioral patterns of drug use do not lead to a significant increase in pleasant feelings, their addiction threats are low. For heterozygous constituents, the risk of dependence is somewhat elevated as they have decreased activity of dopamine application of natural stimuli leading to pleasure. People in the category of recessive homozygotes belong to high-risk types with little resistance to addiction, they have low dopamine activity when exposed to natural stimuli of pleasure in the brain, they are in constant tension and distraction. Drugs can bring them a high degree of satisfaction and reassurance, they are very vulnerable to addiction. Affiliation to a certain genotypically determined group can now be determined by direct analysis of the probanda DNA sample. There is also a relatively easier method of phenotype analysis utilizing so-called evoked potentials. In heterozygotes, but especially in recessive homozygotes, a longer to long delay between the application of the stimulus and the response of the respective brain centers is observed, the intensity of the response is weakened to very low. Determining a potentially hazardous genetic constitution could be used in planning and timely application of selective primary prevention of addictive behavior before its clinical manifestation.
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