Systém literárněvýchovných metod - zbytečné teoretizování nebo potřeba?

Title in English The Methodological Sytem of Teaching Literature - Useles Theory or Need?


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jazyk - literatura - komunikace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords literary education; didactic theory in the present and past; methods of teaching literature; classification of methods; way of classification; system; interpretation; dichotomy of methods; teaching practice.
Description The article deals with the approaches to methods of teaching literature, mainly with the question of need to classify and systematize them. The research substance of the article - which has an historical a comparative character - is the insight into methodical systems which have arisen in the recent and also in more distant past – after 2000 and during the 1960s-1990s. The author comes to a conclusion, that there are two basic troubles of methodical classifications: the dichotomy of methods in teaching literature (the presence of specific methods as parts of the subject content, and the presence of conventional, not subject specific teaching methods) and the difficulty of seeking of the optimal depth and way of the classification. The inner organization of methods of teaching literature, which should be a needful support for a teaching practice, does not seem to be an acceptable and stabilized sphere of the didactic theory yet.

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