Aktivity rozvíjející řečovou dovednost psaní v učebnici Maturita Solutinons pre-intermediate (2nd edition): Hodnocení učebnice ve vztahu k písemné části maturitní zkoušky z angličtiny.

Title in English Activities developing writing in Maturita Solutions Pre-intermediate (2nd edition): course book evaluation in connection with the written part of the school-leaving exam


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Auspicia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords course-book evaluation; process writing; product writing; peer review; audience; communicative aim
Description Using the criteria based on contemporary research and literature, this paper evaluates the potential of Maturita Solution Pre-intermediate (2nd edition) course book to develop writing skills of secondary school students preparing for a school-leaving exam in English. It familiarises students with the majority of the required writing subskills and enables them to get accustomed to the common tasks. However, the course book neglects the communicative function of writing and favours only the product writing approach. Moreover, it does not appear to pay enough attention to the writing process stages, underestimates the text creation and rewriting tasks and does not provide teachers with any support of how to develop writing in any other than the prescribed way.
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