Závislé předložky v maturitních pracích z angličtiny: Kolokace s přídavnými jmény a se slovesy

Title in English Dependent prepositions in Czech students’s essays: Adjective and verb collocations


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This paper analyses the range and appropriateness of dependent prepositions used with adjectives and verbs in the corpus of 380 school-leaving essays and compares the results with English Vocabulary and Grammar Profile as a reference tool for the required B1 level according to the CEFR. The findings revealed that Czech students attempted to complement 7.5% of adjectives and 45% of verbs with prepositional phrases. While mother-tongue influence was likely to be responsible for more errors in adjective-complementation, the errors in verb-complementation were largely caused by the fact that students tend to confuse the verbs with similar or related meanings.
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