Kratkij obzor issledovanij v oblasti formirovanija lingvističeskoj kompetencii posredstvom poetičeskich tekstov v processe obučenija russkomu jazyku kak inostrannomu

Title in English Overview of Researches on Formation of Linguistic Competence through Poetic Texts in the Process of Learning Russian as a Foreign Language


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Research in Foreign Language Pedagogy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords communicative competence; linguistic competence; poetic texts; teaching grammar; teaching lexis; Russian language teaching; development of linguistic competence
Description This article gives a brief overview of Czech and foreign research studies on the development of linguistic competence of students by means of poetic texts in foreign language teaching. The article mainly focuses on grammar and vocabulary teaching as constituent components of linguistic competence.
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