Bariéry v edukaci žáků-uprchlíků v České republice

Title in English The barriers in the education of the pupils with the refugee background in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mládež a hodnoty 2018: Výchova k hodnotám v kontextu pluralitní a multikulturní společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Asylum; migration; refugee pupil; educational strategy; educational barrier; supporting measures
Description The paper deals with the topic of migrants and their education in the Czech Republic. Particularly we deal with the education of refugee pupils at the elementary schools. At the beginning of the paper, we would like to explain the issue from the point of view of the theoretical framework of Urie Bronfenbrenners´ ecological model. Based on this ecological model we will present research findings, which are also part of the dissertation thesis of the author. The paper presents an analysis of qualitative semi-structured interviews, as a research design we have chosen the grounded theory thanks to which we have the possibility to get deeper into the issues that matters in the Czech Republic and in the world as well.
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