Lest filozofie dějin: Patočka a neohellénismus

Title in English The ruse of philosophy of history: Patočka and neo - Hellenism

ŠÍP Radim

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jan Patočka a naše doba. Sborník příspěvků mezinárodní konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://munispace.muni.cz/library/catalog/view/1006/3124/777-1
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-8958-2018
Keywords Patočka; phenomenology; neohellenism; philosohphy of history; Foucault
Description Patočka’s philosophy of history and its concept of European time are based on the neohellenistic myth that puts the representatives of the ancient Enlightenment in the center of western thinking without properly reflecting the real socio-political context of this Enlightenment. Once this myth was combined with Patočka’s need to find a phenomenological constitution of philosophy of history, Patočka and his faithful pupils lost their sense of reality. They have ceased to make a distinction between the formulation of the ideal of freedom, responsibility and democracy from its actual fulfillment. Therefore, they closed their thinking in nostalgic romanticism. This has serious consequences. This is illustrated by the example of the failure of the Palouš’ educational philosophy.

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