První fáze vranovsko-křtinského lichtenštejnského areálu


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Title in English The First Stage of the Vranov–Křtiny Liechtenstein Grounds

LYČKA Daniel GOLEC Martin

Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The contribution is devoted to the landscape between Vranov nr Brno and Křtiny, which was part of the Liechtenstein demesne and lived to see romantic beautifying modifications. As early as the end of the 18th century, extensive adjustments of the landscape took place, with the embodiment of several natural caves and their surrounding area. These works can be divided into three phases, during which artificial pieces of work were placed into the landscape. However, these have united with the landscape, their parts started to look natural, alterations have mostly been forgotten and lost their original meaning for visitors. This is also the reason why this project has not been much known up to the present. A special attention is paid to the oldest phase of alterations the years 1796–1804 – when a vast area of today’s  Josefov and Křtiny Valleys were transformed into a tourist destination with a range of cavelike and other sights. Particularly significant iconographic sources are gouaches and oil paintings by Ferdinand Runk who pictured the whole region on the order of Prince Johann I Joseph. The main attention is focused on the possible authors of the projects inclusive of Joseph Hardtmuth whose participation is documented by his personal signature on the Býčí skála (Bull Rock).
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