Roman au XIXe siecle et (re)construction de l’Histoire : Les Bleus et les Blancs d’Etienne Arago


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Title in English 19th century novel and (re)construction of the History : Etienne Arago's Les Bleus et les Blancs


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Romanica Quinqueecclesiensis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords fiction; history; historical novel; 19th century; French revolution; fictionnal worlds
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Description This article aims to examine the historical novel Les Bleus et les Blancs (1862) by the republican journalist and playwright Étienne Arago who takes the Wars of Vendée during the French Revolution as a subject. The article first describes the life of Etienne Arago, his literary career and his political commitment. Next, he summarizes the plot of the novel by demonstrating how fiction serves to supplement the interpretation of history from a republican point of view. The main part of the article then offers an analysis of the novel based on the functional study of its structure, in other words the relationship between the aesthetic function, dominant in the literary work, the epistemological function and the ideological function. The analysis is also based on the theory of fictional worlds. The analysis shows how this novel reshapes the image of history, favorable to revolutionary ideas, and thus creates an autonomous fictional world.
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