Keplerovy kroky na cestě k elipse


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Title in English Kepler´s steps on the road towards ellipse

ŠTEFL Vladimír

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československý časopis pro fyziku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Johannes Kepler; Astronomia nova; Kepler´s laws
Description Astronomia nova is a book, published in 1609, which contains the results of the astronomer Johannes Kepler. The author used precise celestial measurement of Mars carried out by Tycho Brahe and calculated various models for approximation of the orbit of Mars. This article concentrates on two unsatisfactory hypothetical models for the orbit, which preceded the correct elliptical model. The first was vicarious hypothesis, which predicted precise longitudes well within observational accuracy, but with inaccurate distances to the Sun. Secondly, Kepler proposed the oval hypothesis, which led to errors at the octants.
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