Výhody a využitelnost barevných fólií ve speciálně pedagogickém procesu.

Title in English Color Files Benefits and Utility in Special-Educational Process


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Štúdie zo špeciálnej pedagogiky/Studies in Special Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Web Odkaz na časopis
Keywords functional vision; color files and filters; special educational needs; dyslexia
Description This article presents a possible inter-disciplinary conection between rehabilitation of visual functions and specific learning disorders. When an individual is affected by his visual function, he is often limited in different activities as well as in the cognitive sphere. Depending on the degree of visual impairment, we use various optical and compensatory aids for rehabilitation, including colorful films. Color films can also have a positive effect on poupils who have been diagnosed with dyslexia, for example. If the pupil reads through the color film, the reading fast and quality can be significantly improved.

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