Meč moravského hejtmana Jana z Rottalu

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Title in English The Sword of Moravian Captain John of Rottal

KNOZ Tomáš

Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The chapter "The Sword of the Captain John of Rottal" afters the situation in Moravia about 1650. Author's contribution focuses on the symbolism of the sword of the Moravian Captain John of Rottal. The John's of Rottal sword was made in the context of the end of the Thirty Years War in the years 1648-1655. John of Rottal performed in this time the fonction of Captain of Moravian Land. This actuality is supported by the incription „Moraviae Capitaneus“ at the corp of this sword. The sword is an excellent demonstration of the material and artistic culture. There are a manifestation of the culture of manierism about the end of the Thirty Years War; it is of the time of uncertainty and of the transformation of the old rituals of the Early Modern Time and the estates society. Their were trasmormed in the new baroque forms of ceremoniels.
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