Between the city and the court at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries : The case of Nicolaus Zangius


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MAŇAS Vladimír

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Nicolaus Zangius (fl. 1617) held the position of municipal Kapellmeister in Gdansk/Danzig between 1599 and 1607. This is the only that he held a municipal position. Since mid-1602, however, he did not properly exercise his office: during that period, he managed to publish at least one collection, to obtain the title of an imperial servant (aulicus) and for a shorter period also the function of Kapellmeister of the Moravian provincial governor. As far as the musical culture of Gdansk is concerned, extensive literature and a wide range of preserved music and archival sources can be used: Zangius is not particularly represented here, given the relatively short duration of his employment. However, it is advisable to take into account the musical instructions of 1572, 1612 and 1655 and consider whether and how changes in performance practice are reflected in his work. Other sources should be mentioned as well: the list of music purchased by Zangius in Vienna in 1604, and above all the inventory of his own motets (Prostějov 1607), which provides an important terminus ante quem for the creation of a number of his Latin compositions. These would probably fall into his Gdansk era.
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