Computer Tools for Diachronic Research of the Czech Language


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Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Understanding the old stages of Czech language development is important to explain the current situation. Although many language phenomena have long been known, others may be missing or we don't have enough data and tools to verify them. The main problems of current research of older language are lack of old digitized texts and lack of computer tools for working with these texts. The paper focuses on the differences between synchronous and diachronic research from the applied linguistics' point of view. It mentions the problems of digitization of old texts and explains the extent to which current text analysis tools can be used. For modern language research, working with texts not only with the language units themselves is needed. Moreover generalizing texts to morphological and syntactic levels is very important too. In the paper I will explain why this is problematic in the old texts.
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