Využití dronů při pěstování cukrové řepy

Title in English Drones in Sugar Beet Cultivation


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web http://www.cukr-listy.cz/on_line/2020/PDF/60-64.pdf
Keywords Dron; the cultivation of sugar beet; VARI; NDVI; RGB; reflectivity
Attached files
Description The mankind looks for new technologies to increase crop yields in agricultural production. One way may be to monitor and to analyse the pictures (VARI, NDVI) of the field captured by drones. Such a way we can prevent losses caused by diseases, moulds or pests on the crop. In conjunction with cameras (RGB, NIR) on drones, the time required for snapshot and analysis is reduced. In the paper we present an example of RGB analysis, showing that small change in the health of the plant is identifiable in RGB spectra.

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