Mariánský atlas Markrabství moravského - zrcadlo živých i zapomenutých poutníků. K baroknímu poutnictví na Moravě v 18. století

Title in English Marian Atlas of the Margraviate of Moravia - a mirror of living and forgotten pilgrims. Towards Baroque pilgrimage in Moravia in the 18th century


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník prací PdF MU
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Baroque; Marian atlas; miraculous paintings and sculptures; pilgrimages and pilgrimage sites
Description Atlas Marianus Marchionatus Moraviae (Marian atlas of the Margraviate of Moravia) handwritten in German by Augustinian from Brno, Alipius Czermak, from the 18th century is one of the important sources of the Baroque pilgrimage tradition in Moravia. The author wrote a total of 31 stories relating to miraculous paintings and sculptures worshiped in Moravia, which he himself knew and visited as a pilgrim. The most famous miraculous painting, the Virgin Mary of St. Thomas, the pearl and miracle worker of Moravia, which has been worshiped in the basilica in the Old Brno since the end of the 18th century, was captured also in the Brno church of St. Thomas and the Virgin Mary, where his order originally resided. There are also Tuřany, Žarošice, Křtiny, Mikulov and The Holly Hill near Olomouc. However, there are captured former pilgrimage sites, which are no longer in any guide to the pilgrimage sites of Moravia. It is the church of the Augustinian monastery in Jevíčko, Dominican church of St. Michael in Olomouc, church of St. Bartholomew in the former monastery of the Pauline in Moravian Krumlov, the Holy Trinity church in Brno- ­Královo Pole, St. Šimon and Juda in Strážek. Nowadays, nobody knows that in the Augustinian church of St. Thomas and the Virgin Mary, pilgrims worshiped in addition to the Palladium of Moravia an ancient Piet which is still there. More than the history of pilgrimage sites, Czermak's Marian Atlas is devoted to examples of miraculous healings, interventions, conversions associated with miraculous paintings and sculptures. It allows to look into the mentality of the Marian worshiper, monk and pilgrim at the end of the Baroque period, not long before the reign of Maria Theresa and especially Joseph II., when the pilgrimage was reduced, monasteries were abolished and some pilgrimage sites were orphaned.

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