Aktuální trendy v muzejní prezentaci a edukaci IV. : Oborové didaktiky v muzeu (online konference)


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Current trends in museum presentations and education IV. : Field didactics in the museum (online conference)


Year of publication 2020
Type Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Museums cover a wide range of areas and fields of human activity, from the focus of science, through technology to humanities. They mediate specific fields and topics to visitors with the effective use of collection objects, substitutes and other didactic means. In the operation of museums, science and education naturally connect, which leads to the logical cooperation of experts on educational content (representatives of scientific disciplines in the museum, curators) and on museum-didactic mediation of this content (museum teachers, lecturers). The field didactics in the museum thus combine the popularization of scientific results and adequate forms of their mediation for a diverse audience, taking into account the possibilities and specifics of individual scientific disciplines and their collection objects. The online conference, broadcasted from Brno from the Löw-Beer Villa (Brno Region Museum) opens up space for the presentation of individual subject didactics in the museum, from their potential to various limits in presentation and education - eg from the difficulties of interpreting "difficult" history topics or controversial topics. , despite some difficult - to - store and present exhibits from scientific collections, non - functional technical exhibits to professional collections, the motto of which does not lie in the aesthetic attractiveness or emotionality of the operation.
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